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Acrylic on cradled board, 24” x 24”
Walt Whitman Exhibition
Acrylic on cradled board, 24” x 24”
Walt Whitman Exhibition
“The wind blows and dune grass bends
Gently, and tightly it curves to strive.
The life source comes in many forms;
In our universe all is made from the stars.”
Gently, and tightly it curves to strive.
The life source comes in many forms;
In our universe all is made from the stars.”

The Art Café (a group of 12 artists) that I formed in 1996 wanted to celebrate being together & decided that doing a group show would be fun. We picked the topic to be Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman. Each of us took several lines from his opus and painted a visual interpretation. Wind is one of two that I prepared for the show.
The lines I selected were from his long poem “Song of Myself”
“I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey work of the stars…”
I picked dune grass because, for me, it a represents the diversity, determination & resilience of life forms. It thrives on dry sand and endures seawater folding up itself into a tight tube when it is dry and gently bending in the seaside gales.
The normal color range of this tough plant is green to yellow. I have added human colors to link this visual idea to us and our diversity, determination & resilience.