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Summer Day Series
Newbury NH, 2012
Acrylic on canvas, 30” x 30”
Summer Day Series
Newbury NH, 2012
Acrylic on canvas, 30” x 30”
“A garden path beckons,
Glorious plant patterns;
Whispers of history,
Others and mine.”
Glorious plant patterns;
Whispers of history,
Others and mine.”

This is the second plein-air painting I did at the Fells Artist Weekend, summer of 2012.
Plant Patterns was done looking into the Old Rhododendron Garden with the view framed by two huge old trees. The Fells Estate is a wonderful historic site that my wife and I have been involved with for years.
This painting is trying to talk about the history of the place and my history as the son of a world famous rhododendron propagator and grower.
So the painting has visual references to my father, to my career as a landscape architect, and to the wonderful patterns plants so often evident in the landscape. As you look at this effort you will perhaps see some blue sky, the sense of two strong verticals, even though are lie on their side, and the intertwining of shapes and colors. You may even perhaps see the sense of a face emerging from the plants. I consider myself a pantheist and my dad was the consummate English plants-man so here we connect and our mutual overlapping passions intermingle.