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North Sutton NH, 2010
Pastel on Paper, 16” x 20”
“Layers through the window,
Light beyond our north wood.
My country home,
Quiet and encompassing.”

Northwood Photo
This was my first “painting” after retiring as an architect/landscape architect. I gave myself 5 years to see what I might accomplish. As a start I took a great gestural drawing class in Cambridge MA given by Sheila Rice – and toward the end of the 12 week program I did this pastel as a test.
Looking out the north facing windows of my then studio, I enjoyed a woodland view with some reflected lights in the glass and the blue sky beyond in the far meadow. Using simplified gestures to represent the trees, woodland floor, streaks of sunlight and the blue sky, I tried to make a gestural drawing in color of what I saw and felt about this calming view. You can also see the beginning of my tendency to introduce new colors and shapes just because.
Since this is my legitimate first, I have decided to keep it so over time I can better assess how I have grown and hopefully improved. Maybe in a few years I should revisit this and see what happens. But we have moved so I have a new view now from my studio.