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Acrylic on cradled board
24” x 24”-2017
Acrylic on cradled board
24” x 24”-2017
“Dark Night City, peekaboo lights,
Black pavement glistens white;
The signs of age, rusts abound
Orange streaks attack the ground.”
Black pavement glistens white;
The signs of age, rusts abound
Orange streaks attack the ground.”
This is another from the series based on a small piece of the painting MANY ROOMS. (See the discussion of that painting and of FRESH AIR). All straight line diagonals have been removed and are suggested instead by multiple stepped forms. So a new pattern has evolved from the original design.
Below is a photograph my son, who is a fine art photographer, took and sent to me. I loved the dark brooding colors. So I pushed components of the FRESH AIR palette and created a pixcellated look. It tries to encapsulates the sense of the city at night when many years ago I lived in Philadelphia.