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Monhegan Island, ME- 2015
Acrylic on Paper, Art 9″ x 9″ – Mat 12-1/2” x 12-1/2”
All Glass Clip Fame
Monhegan Island, ME- 2015
Acrylic on Paper, Art 9″ x 9″ – Mat 12-1/2” x 12-1/2”
All Glass Clip Fame
The Monhegan Series of Plein Air paintings were done on Monhegan Island, Maine during the summer of 2015. My daughter, son and grandson and I all went to the island for a little R&R. This is a wonderful place where I had spent several summers as a child and is now a fairly well known artist colony.
These snap shots approximate the views where each painting was done. For me these are more interpretations of a landscape than pure abstracts. Each tries to capture the feeling and emotion of the time and place.
At Christmas Cove there is an old shipwreck. Great patterns created by rock and rusted steel.