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Monhegan Island, ME- 2015
Acrylic on Paper, Art 12″ x 12″ – Mat 16” x 16”
All Glass Clip Fame
Monhegan Island, ME- 2015
Acrylic on Paper, Art 12″ x 12″ – Mat 16” x 16”
All Glass Clip Fame

The Monhegan Series of Plein Air paintings were done on Monhegan Island, Maine during the summer of 2015. My daughter, son and grandson and I all went to the island for a little R&R. This is a wonderful place where I had spent several summers as a child and is now a fairly well known artist colony.
These snap shots approximate the views where each painting was done. For me these are more interpretations of a landscape than pure abstracts. Each tries to capture the feeling and emotion of the time and place.
I changed the view of the pier from this picture focusing on the building to the right rather than the one shown. The rectangular patterns were more interesting and I could show much more sky. Unfortunately I didn’t snap a picture of the modified view.