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Acrylic on cradled board, 24” x 24”
Acrylic on cradled board, 24” x 24”
“A melting tundra bodes not well;
Much more water; less flowered plain.
The methane bubbles make it worse
A spiral accelerates out of control.”
Much more water; less flowered plain.
The methane bubbles make it worse
A spiral accelerates out of control.”

For almost all of 2020 I focused my art on the issue of Global Warming. This resulted in the series ICE WIND & FIRE. All the images come from natural things such as trees, stones, bark, and earth aerials. Each interpretation tries to speak to the realities we are all facing.
The photograph is a close-up of a knot in a very old Cedar trunk. The darks and lights create a pattern that becomes in my painting undulating hillocks & valleys as the flat tundra melts. The profusion of arctic flowers struggle to remain on the high ground while methane bubbles up through the melt-water & add to our global warming.