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Ink on paper, 22” x 30”
Ink on paper, 22” x 30”
“It was in homeroom we met,
another Romeo and Juliet;
Though young, the dice we threw
Love’s bite, then together we grew.”
another Romeo and Juliet;
Though young, the dice we threw
Love’s bite, then together we grew.”

Initial Four Quadrant Sketch

2nd Quadrant Drafted Drawing
For the left-hand drawing I pasted two rough sketches together to create the basis for an acrylic painting about rooms. I wanted to eventually do a large painting based on this idea.
This was a complicated sketch so I thought it might be wise to break into four equal parts and do studies on paper. This is room #2 “Love’s Bite” and is in the lower right corner of the initial sketch. And because the sketch was so geometric I decided to redraw it with ruled lines.
From the beginning to the end, life’s journey, four life-rooms to be experienced, lived and expressed in abstract form.
Leaving the nest and then the implosion/explosion of true love. Another two humans come together, grow, and continue the cycle.