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Acrylic on canvas, 24” x 24”
Acrylic on canvas, 24” x 24”
“I sit upon the viewing porch
And watch the waning island sun;
The glow now a sinking torch
A day well spent, painting done.”
And watch the waning island sun;
The glow now a sinking torch
A day well spent, painting done.”

This is a full size acrylic painting based on several photographs taken while I was sitting on the Island Inn porch at sunset. This was on my visit to Monhegan Island in the summer of 2015. The attached photograph does not print well since I am looking directly into the setting sun but I wanted to try and get the dark side of the buildings and landscape in somber muted colors while depicting the setting sun and surrounding sky in light vivid colors. For me this is a painting of colors and patterns with a hint of reality.
To view the smaller plein air painting done the same afternoon from the same spot – but a slightly different view and the text that goes with it see “Monhegan Pier”