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Gray Day Series
Kezar Lake, NH – 2011
Acrylic on canvas, 30” x 30”
White Floater Frame
Gray Day Series
Kezar Lake, NH – 2011
Acrylic on canvas, 30” x 30”
White Floater Frame
“Patterns suggest themselves
Reflected at water’s edge,
Nestled and quiet
In the afternoon light.”
Reflected at water’s edge,
Nestled and quiet
In the afternoon light.”

I live on a small lake in New Hampshire and walk our dog around part of it. I take my camera, now my cell phone, with me and when a pattern catches my eye I take a snap-shot. I took this one on a fall afternoon.
In my studio I look at the images and print 1 or 2 that seem worthy of further investigation. Then I usually increase the image size so that details start to blur and bigger patterns immerge. As I transfer the patterns I see to a larger canvas I edit the shapes working on flow and composition.
Since I am not really trying to paint normal reality I will look for a theme – angles, blocks of color or mass, special details, repeated motifs, etc., and from there develop another level of interpretation.
In the case of this painting the subject matter was strong, both physically and emotionally, so it quickly spoke to me of reflected triangles, water, sky and edge.