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St. Pete, FL – 2014
Acrylic on canvas, 36” x 36”
St. Pete, FL – 2014
Acrylic on canvas, 36” x 36”
“I struggle to achieve,
Such ascending aspirations
But only in age
Do the edges soften.”
Such ascending aspirations
But only in age
Do the edges soften.”

An ego painting; a portrait of sorts.; this abstract is based on my signature.
Rotated vertically, slightly cropped with the greatly enlarged signature lines now the negative space. The background consists of many layers of dark transparent colors representing the infinity of time as perceived by youth. The interior spaces in the loops of the signature are blood red representing the sense of mortality as felt by the aged.
The crisp edges of some of my other paintings are here replaced with fuzzy or even broken and overlapping edges that represent the vagaries of a life lived.
The title speaks to the ascending loops apparently struggling to reach a higher point and to my mother’s family motto “essayez monte alto.” which loosely translated, means “strive for the highest mount.”