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Acrylic on canvas, 24” x 24”
Acrylic on canvas, 24” x 24”
“With blueprints at the start
Then a construction phase
Now complete, aglow in the dark
A happy home, a serenity place.”
Then a construction phase
Now complete, aglow in the dark
A happy home, a serenity place.”

I took this picture of our New Hampshire House just after dusk in the early winter of 2015. Somehow I botched the photograph and as you can see the image got partially offset (I don’t have any idea how this happened) and the “broken” windows with the multifaceted bits of yellow pouring out gave me an idea. The blue of the roof has become the mottled background of the painting and the patches of light as well as the interrupted grid become a study in shapes. Hopefully one gets the sense of windows at night but the shapes have taken on a life of their own.