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Gray Day Series
North Sutton NH, 2011
Acrylic on canvas, 18” x 18”
Black Floater Frame
Gray Day Series
North Sutton NH, 2011
Acrylic on canvas, 18” x 18”
Black Floater Frame
“Cool air flows in
Settling on warm water;
Fog-line observed,
Silent and enveloping.”
Settling on warm water;
Fog-line observed,
Silent and enveloping.”

My daughter took this picture just after sunset on our lake. It was autumn, the water was still relatively warm but the air from Canada was cold and the natural response was an enveloping fog.
Standing in our dining room, looking through our small paned, wavy old glass I saw the same piece of theatre. I quietly watched as the play unfolded and felt so privileged.